the allotment site
our nature garden

The allotment is a two-minute walk away from school and sits amongst a row of village community plots. We developed the allotment as a nature garden in 2015/16 with groups of parents willing to help create space, so that children could learn more about growing and eating food in small family groups with their key person for a whole week at a time. In addition to a greenhouse and raised beds for planting, there are fruit trees and bushes, compost heap, a fire circle with tree stumps for seats, pond, hedgehog house, bird feeders, bird bath, potions kitchen, dry riverbed, woodwork and construction site, cabin and portaloo! We also have chickens at the allotment who are happy to potter around the garden and with a bit of luck, lay a fresh eggs for us to use with the children.
The opportunities the allotment offers are very much skill based and rely on the group 'doing jobs' eg litter picking, cleaning the hens out, digging for worms, making signs for the veg plot etc. We also teach the children specific skills eg weaving, peeling, lighting fire with flint and steel and eventually, how to cook on fire.
Each family group spends a week at the allotment with their key person, along with Beata, the allotment site lead. Parents receive a termly timetable, detailing which site they are based at each week, so that they can drop their children off and collect them from the allotment each day. A hot lunch is cooked and delivered to the allotment for the children and staff to eat together, just like a family.