our approach
'the wingate way'

At Wingate Community Nursery School, we believe in the old African Proverb, ‘It takes a whole village to educate a child’ and as such, work in true partnership with parents, carers and families to raise young children together, as the future citizens in society. We believe that a high-quality curriculum is not something to be ‘delivered’, but rather a journey we take together, rooted in a respect for children and their childhood and one that focuses on their needs, interests and rights – in particular, the right to play.
So, to ensure our curriculum is appropriate for young human beings, play is acknowledged as the serious work of childhood and is placed at the heart of what we do. Through relevant, meaningful, purposeful and playful contexts, facilitated by interested, knowledgeable, skilful adults, children have opportunities to gain knowledge, learn new skills and techniques and absorb a rich vocabulary.
More than anything, we want our children to love learning and to never stop loving learning; to be curious and ask questions, rather than answer them, to wonder why things happen and how things work, and to be intrigued enough to search for possible reasons why. We want them to believe in themselves and have a positive mindset, so that they grow into confident, competent, capable individuals within a community of people. And to help them achieve this, we want to give them hundreds and hundreds of opportunities to play.