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absence and illness

protecting everyone


If children are not able to attend Nursery, for whatever reason, we ask that parents let us know as soon as possible, so that we can authorise the absence. It is the responsibility of the family to inform school, which can be done via calling the school landline, texting the school mobile or via email.

     landline: 01429 838206 (option 1)

     mobile:   07437 335733



Common Illnesses

If children are poorly, we insist they stay and remain at home until they are fully recovered before coming back to Nursery, to help prevent the spread of infection.

 If your child becomes ill at Nursery, we will contact you or the named emergency contact immediately, administering care in the meantime. It is very important that we have an up to date record of contact numbers and information.


Sickness and Diarrhea

In the case of “tummy upsets” it is vital that children stay at home for at least 48 hours after the last incidence of sickness and diarhea to prevent it spreading to others.



Please check your child’s hair regularly and if you find any signs of headlice consult your G.P., treat the whole family, inform the Nursery and keep a close eye on your whole family’s hair to ensure the problem is cleared quickly.


Nursery staff need to know if your child has asthma, and if an inhaler is used, we need to keep one at school, labelled with your child’s name. You will also be asked to complete an Individual Healthcare Plan for your child.


Childhood infectious diseases
There are lots of common infectious diseases, which your children will invariably have at some time, perhaps at Nursery. Please let us know as soon as you suspect an infection, or have a diagnosis, so that we can inform other parents. We can also advise you about the minimum exclusion periods.



Ear, nose and throat infections are very common in young children, but ear infections in particular should not be treated lightly, as ears can so easily be damaged permanently if infections are not treated. They are also very painful and children need to be at home.


As a general rule, children who have been prescribed medicines e.g. antibiotics, are recovering from an illness and are not well enough to come to school. However, we can give prescribed medicine to children in school, once the relevant forms with clear instructions have been completed with staff and parents together.


If your child has an allergy to a food, please let us know. It might be that we ask you to provide confirmation from a medic, but will discuss this with you as we complete an Individual Healthcare Plan for your child.


Please do not hesitate to discuss any illness or treatment with the staff.

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